Monday, January 7, 2008

this is youtube.

i am a HUGE youtuber-
seriously, i could watch youtube every minute of the day.
people are proving that they are unbelievably talented (or stupid) when given the opp to make a movie!

there are so many movies to explore and people to learn about.
i have come up with a few that are my all time favorites (up to now).

in no particular order.

have you guys seen this?
this took some major skill and patience!
i love it.
check out some other video game inspired- human inacted videos
official site

for some reason this video is very emotional to me.
im not sure if it is the original music or his expressionless face.
either way- very touching and creative.
here is his site.
noah kalina

i really like the cinematography of this video.
it says it was made by some students-
i like what they have to say.
i like the way they've said it.

anything from him. i love him. seriously.

there are so many more to come!

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