i ended up not getting the position
apparently, they are not hiring anyone at this time.
i was told tour assistants would be used to fill the position until they left for tour again.
ive known for a while but realizations have sunk in
-the music industry is not doing well.
people are losing their jobs
others are literally working FOR FREE.
if 20 year veterans are having a hard time,
why would a 20 something recent college grad be hired off the street?
besides the fact that this 20 something would work for free.
oh desperation.
then to top it off...
if its possible to fail the GRE, ive done it.
lets hope belmont really doesnt care about my score.
on the up-side...
a very amazing person has recently entered my life.
his determination and motivation keep me positive everyday.
i hope it also keeps me focused for a while to come.
i dont think he realizes how happy he has already made me in such a short time.
as im usually at a loss for words in a serious conversation,
i hope he'll read this.
in conclusion:: love life is ahhmazing, work life not so much >> education here i come, i hope.
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