Monday, April 28, 2008

this is an techonological fruitcake of sorts.

i started out wanting to write a blog every 7 days, but sometimes i am not inspired or when I am, I completely forget everything I am going to say..

I have been pondering this one for a while, so i guess ill share my thoughts now... I have recently been reading about Apple and how secretive its business practices are...

for example.

i cant believe it

and this last link stirs up a moral dilemma.. for me at least...

as an avid Apple supporter, should I continue to be faithful to the mighty technological fruit or as an aspiring migrant of the entertainment industry, do i branch out in order to support other entertainment downloading sites?? who id say is apple's biggest competitor
napster: the one time free downloading rules of the world and metallica's fav site.
emusic" who is currently offering 50 free downloads

so what do you think? i know its silly but really.. is apple as great as we have all be "brainwashed" to think? is microsoft really that bad? or are they both planning world domination, and we should destroy our computers asap?!?

i came across some interesting blogs from "steve jobs." i have yet to really dig into them, so I'm not sure if they are legit or not.

people are really beginning or continuing to hate this company..

pc world
some random hater

but who can blaime them?

yes, i do continue to buy their products.. having 2 ipods and 2 macbooks along with an assload of accessories that go along with them.. and yes, i will continue to stand up for the company..

why? because i am a forward thinker... I enjoy progressive innovators, the movers and shakers- if you will.. apple inhibits all of these qualities and more. always looking to the future and always creating "better" products...

but really- why should i? what has apple done for me lately?
come out with a new ipod, two months after i purchased my now less amazing one or introduced the macbook after i purchased my larger than normal ibook?
what about all those people who bought an iphone and then found out one with a larger storage capacity was to be released.

is this what keeps people coming back for more? do you think that by being secretive, people are more enchanted by the company or do is it just overplayed advertisements mac and pc lovers both cannot get enough of?

whatever it is, steve jobs and his unrelentlessness is paying off..
well, except for the fact that my macbook speakers have suddenly stopped working and the apple store turned me away during tax free weekend.

so on a completely different and more uplifting note...

Thursday, April 3, 2008

this is feist-ily sexy.

feist's the reminder has been playing in my car...
the song intuition is such a sexy song.
i cant stop listening to it.

for some reason the first chords sound very familiar..
anyone know what they might be from?

anyway- here's a vid. enjoy!!
