Friday, February 15, 2008

this is a fierce competition.

so now that project runway is in its 500th season-
ok 5th- is anyone watching anymore?

im not gonna lie, i get sucked into every marathon
even if ive already seen all of them.
i just cant get over christian.
seriously, he is totally that guy this season!
the one that gets on your nerves and you might not want him to win
but you really do.

it seems that he is the most consistent of the designers and deserves a good win.
no matter how cocky he can be at times..

Christian: "Don't these bitches know that I am way better than them?"

i hate to say it but i was pleased to see sweetpea go.
she was such a... well.. sweetie, but really-
wasnt she on there a little too long.
she was always having to get someone else's opinion.

right now, i feel that jillian is the "fiercest" competitor to christian.
watch out homeboy
she might pull through.
go girl go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm totally rooting for Jillian! I think her clothes can relate to a wider range of women, including me, but I def. believe it will be her and Christian fighting to the death!!! I love his personality!